Fasttrack E-Degrees

Over 20,000 degrees issued!

Celebrate your graduation with a UBS t-shirt


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Student Life

In today's economic climate, people are finding it more and more difficult to commit three or fours years of their lives in order to take the plunge into academia. As firm supporter of the concept of "Education for All" and as an organisation at the forefront of the technological superhighweb, The University of Bums on Seats now proudly offers the Fasttrack E-Degree. Put simply, this scheme allows potential students to graduate before actually commencing any studies, on two conditions.
  • They solemnly promise to spend the equivalent of three years studying their chosen subject to degree level in the following years.
  • They pay their fees.

Simply fill in the form below and a degree certificate will be generated for you on line which you may then print out.


Full Name:

E-mail Address:

Choose your degree from the following list, which will appear on your certificate. 


Why not celebrate your e-graduation with a UBS t-shirt ?

* requires double fees.
+ British Management and Business Administration.



Web-Site designed and created at great expense
over five years by clueless wankers who spent most of
their time in meetings discussing the "site strategy".

For further information, or to give some positive comments,contact