The following modules have places within
this academic year:
Module Name: Ineptitude
Value: 1 Course Unit
Tutor: Mr. David Useless
This module is aimed primarily at those
on the "British Management and Business Administration" course, although
it has the same academic value as any other module.
The course gives a valuable introduction
to the lack of skills necessary to run a British business/public-service/academic
institution. It is subdivided in to the following components:
"Decision avoidance","Delegation: an Introduction
to Buck Passing", "Being a 'Power User': a guide to annoying computer technicians"
and "Blame Redirection".
Module Name: Speculation and Tautology
Value: 1 Course Unit
Tutor: Dr Paul Liar
A very in-depth introduction to the skill
of constructing lengthy documents with minimal content. By the end
of this module, students should be proficient in making spurious comparisons,
grand generalisations and writing syntax-free sentences.
This module is required by all students
Module Name: Reflexive Perspectives
on Post-Modern Verbosity
Value: 1 Course Unit
Tutor: Dr Len Egotiste
Dr Egotiste explains his highly acclaimed
model of pre-ordinal thought post-processing without the need for conflicting
arguments. By the end of the course, students should have obtained enough
knowledge of the subject to enable the student to pass the exam set by
Dr Egotiste himself.
Module Name: Self Promotion inc.
Melon Studies
Value: 1 Course Unit
Tutor: Dr Frank Leehope-Less
In the current academic climate, it is very
important for institutions and academics to be able to justify their existence
by researching topics which create mass-media appeal, despite limited
scientific or sociological value. In this course, Dr Leehope-less illustrates
the methodolgy by using his recent research into the similarity between melons
and girls breasts as a case-study. Dr Leehope-less is also currently running
the degree course in Star Wars Appreciation.