Keeping Your People Down
Fascists, Football, Ecstacy and Gladiators
It is vitally important when governing any variety of semi-fascistic state to
ensure that your subjects, citizens, call them what you will, are completely
unlikely to overthrow you. The traditional method of achieving this situation
is by brute force. Many a dictatorship has been held together by the
threat of the gun, however this is inherently unstable. It only takes a
rebellion with more guns, or bigger muscles to overthrow you.
An alternative approach, also very popular with meglomaniacs from all four
corners of the world, is to convince the opressed that opression is what
they actually want. In practice, this method can be so effective that the
people will even fight to defend their opressed state. If you yourself
are planning to instigate your own dictatorial oligarchy then all you need
to do is follow these simple rules:
- Control the Media.But make it look like it still has autonomy.
Create several alternative media sources and make them all appear to have
different viewpoints, ideally get the various newpapers, radio stations and
TV networks to publically argue and compete. It is vitally important that
the content of the media is complete drivel, and that no arguments take place
regarding any important governmental descision. If need be, create some minor
political-sounding debate for them to argue about. A recent example of this is
the European Parliment, and how they want to alter the British Sausage; whilst
being a totally banal and pointless argument, it serves to keep the public
thinking about something else.
- Separate Politics From Everything Political. Of course in reality
it is impossible to separate Politics from anything - everything is
political. However, by careful arrangement you can create the impression in
peoples minds that politics is a separte subject to freedom and hapiness.
The best way to do this is to...
- Divert The People's Attention. This is the most important part of
any sucessful dictatorship. Give the peasants something to think about apart
from their freedom and your fascist actions. Sport is probably the most
fashionable way to achieve this. Increase the sports coverage in the media.
Ensure that no-one can ever actually win everything. Who cares about
curfews with Liverpool v Arsenal on the TV ?
- Create New Ideals.Marketing people are the dictators friend. Use
them to ensure that everyone is permanently feeling inadequate by showing them
impossible images of unobtainable lifestyles, full to the brim with the latest
consumer goods.
For recreation create pointless and self nullifying pastimes.
Try and eliminate anything that may result in people conversing and thus
risking the uncoverring of the truth. Ensure all social venues contain loud
,mindless music, preferably without lyrics. Encouraging promiscuous sex is
also very effective.N.B. Never allow your government to be seen to approve
of sexual promiscuity. Hold the moral highground and create Catholic-style
guilt complexs - this method has been tried and tested for hundreds of years
- Maintain a Steady Drugs Supply. An old favourite. Generations of
people have used Alcohol to take their minds off whats going on and
concentrate on punching their mates. The violence issue is Alcohol's weakness.
A drug that just makes people think about something else without getting
angry is whats needed. Currently, the
drug "Ecstacy" is proving itself ideal for this purpose.
It creates a sense of narcissistic hapiness and well being, gives its
user a desire to
not only have sex but to go to places with nothing but loud mindless music.
(see previous section) Nothing could be further from the mind of an Ecstacy
user than revolution. Why rebel when there's E ?
Further tests will be required, but it does appear that Ecstacy is the
ultimate tool for the futherence of fascism.
Every week people in the UK spend hours watching contentless TV, drinking,
arguing about football and generally not thinking about the stripping of
that is currently underway. Surveillance cameras are multiplying faster than
any virus "for the protection of the public", there are some parts of London
where one can never be off camera. Politicans talk about curfews for
under 16s and all the majority of people are concerned about is whether we'll
be keeping the queens head on our currency. I can only bow down in respect to the
cynical mind that decided to name one of the worst examples of mindless
peasant pacifying TV "Gladiators". Gladiators. It can only be a matter of time
before "Gladiators" really are fighting for their lives again. Imagine
the ratings.
The youth, normally the driving force behind any political action, are quite
content with destroying their weekends with drugs, achieving nothing but
sleepless nights in bizarre, tribalistic population control centers, or
'clubs' as they are euphamistically called. Why try and change society when
you can get all the hapiness you need from a small while pill ?
Ok, this is an old idea, and its been done many times. 1984, Brave New
World, Rollerball, Running Man, the list goes on. Why worry.
Lets just get pissed....
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